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"City in Love -- 全城热恋" 情人节狂欢舞会


Fortune favors the brave.
Opportunity finds the prepared.
And romance comes to YOU, here at City In Love!
-----City In Love? What is it?
It’s going to be the hottest boy-meets-girl Valentine's Day themed dance party of the year! You’ll have a lovely night of clubbing with other Chinese students in New York City, mostly cuties from NYU, NYUPoly, Columbia, and Fordham.
To keep it simple: it’s time for some action on the dance floor, and finding the HE or SHE! Everything is ready just for your perfect romance to happen!
-----OMG, tell me more!
Speed dating and dancing are exciting regulars you can always expect! We’ll offer gelivable music and drinks for the event. Renowned DJ Tim Martel spinning top 50 all night long with a cash bar for some added fire power. You’ll have game time with your date of the night. You don’t know how “high” you can get unless you come find out.
-----What should I wear?
Boys, no shorts no jeans no sandals no skirts.
Girls, we need to see your sexy dresses for clubbing (LBD, miniskirts or anything hotter). Don’t be shy!
-----Wicked! Count me in!
It's on. Waiting for you to rock the night!
Feb 25, 7:30-10:30, NYU Kimmel 4th Floor, E&L Auditorium.
Address: 60 Washington Square South
$5 for NYU and other student ID, $20 for Non-Student.
本活动网罗当地的华人学生,旨在为各位搭造一个相识相知的平台。单身男女以速配、游戏、跳舞等形式增进友谊,届时还将有DJ Tim Martell前来助阵,引爆现场。

时间:Feb 25, 7:30-10:30
地点:NYU Kimmel 4th Floor, E&L Auditorium.
票价:$5 for NYU and other student ID, $20 for Non-Student.
1. 提前到纽约大学Ticket Center 购买
Address: 60 Washington Square South 2nd floor
2. 当天携带现金到现场购买,现场Box Office 7:00pm-8:30pm开放 (售完为止)
3. 组委会为大纽约学联预留了150 $5的门票,如果你不想提前来买票,又想保证当天有票,请点击本页海报下方的链接注册。