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大纽约地区华人第五届 漂流射击友谊赛--暨“佳期如梦鹊桥仙”七夕篝火晚会



七月初七鹊桥仙,本次篝火晚会将延续刚刚成功落幕的“盛情难却,非诚勿扰”联谊活动主题,在这赏心悦目,良辰美景的清凉夏夜,为迢迢海峡,两岸三地的一只只单飞燕搭起一座座“却(鹊)桥”。“未会牵牛意若何, 须邀织女弄金梭”,希望妙趣横生的速配游戏能让苦寻芳踪的您觅得美人归!当然,我们一如既往的欢迎年轻夫妇和快乐家庭参加我们的活动,并特为您准备了适于家庭参加的相应节目。而各种趣味游戏,抽奖活动更是让所有前往的朋友都不虚此行,让您在这凉如水的天阶月色里,坐看牛郎织女星。

本次活动由大纽约地区中国学生学者联谊总会,美国联合商会, 大纽约地区各高校CSSA, 留学生服务中心和HAPIHOUR联合主办。

活动时间: 8 月5日晚 - 8 月 7 日

活动安排: (自选,可只参加一天的活动或全部参加)

8 月 5日 晚:自驾前往露营地 Hickory Run State Park


*不愿露营的朋友也可以住公园旁的 Motel, 费用自付







8 月6日 : 彩弹枪实战射击,野餐 , 篝火晚会

8:00am: 早餐

9: 00am: 从露营地驱车前往射击地点,在Skirmish Paintball Field Entrance Office找到CSSANY的标志及工作人员并完成租借手续,分组等事宜



*不去 射击 的朋友,可以登山,打牌, 钓鱼,湖边游泳 , 聊天,交友。我们会根据报名人数组织打高尔夫

10:30am-4:00pm: Skirmish 彩弹射击(根据分组情况进行若干场对抗赛)


http://www.skirmish.com/directions.html (direction)

http://www.skirmish.com/fields/SKmap.pdf (field map)

6:00pm: 野餐,七夕篝火晚会

*我们将为大家准备烧烤, 自助餐,水果等 ,建议每人带一份菜或烧烤一起享用 。


*我们提供篝火晚会和烧烤所需的木柴,希望我们的活动能为您带来 一温馨而浪漫的夜晚。

10:00pm: 准备就寝,宿营

8月 7 日 : 漂流 (大坝放水日)

8:00am: 早餐,整理行装
10:00am: 驱车前往Pocono Lehigh Gorge Whitewater


http://www.poconowhitewater.com/directions.html ( direction)

http://www.poconowhitewater.com/images/map.gif ( map)

10:30am: 在Service Center等待我们的工作人员完成登记手续,领取tickets

6:00pm: 返回纽约


*请先根据选择的活动种类,将相应报名费就近交给联系人,或点击下面的paypal link(需多交约3%手续费)直接付款。




*7 月 30 日 以后报名,$20 late fee may apply. 由于活动需要提前预订,7月30日之后不可取消报名,否则不会退还报名费。

漂流报名已满,现在暂停报名,加入漂流waiting list请发信至 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

全部活动参加 ( 野营 + 彩弹 + 野餐 + 漂流 ) $ 140.00

只 参加 ( 野营 + 野餐 + 彩弹 ) $ 80.00

只 参加 ( 野营 + 野餐 + 漂流 ) $ 88.50

只 参加 ( 漂流 ) $ 62.70

只 参加 ( 彩弹 ) $ 51.50

只 参加 ( 野营+野餐 ) $ 25.00

咨询方式 :

This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it





Carpool: $40/person




1. 精彩刺激的漂流会弄湿衣服,请自备防水或替换衣物。8岁以下儿童不可参加,为了增加乐趣,可以自带水枪或租水枪($5 一个,自费)。

2. 彩弹射击含500发,提供基本装备(枪,眼罩,集体租用迷彩服)。

3. 露营的帐篷及相关器具需自带,没有帐篷的请自己联系朋友。营地内有简易卫生间,水龙头,营地附近有洗澡房(驱车约5min)。营地为原始露营,不过我们会提供简易电力设备满足有限的夜间照明,手机充电用(功率有限)。

4. 除周六的野餐聚会外,食物请自备; 射击和漂流活动体能消耗巨大,请带足食物和水。

5. 注意安全,一切行动听指挥,并签署相应的免责声明。

我们现正召集活动赞助商,有意向者请联系 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ,或参与活动委员会,请联系 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Summer, summer is on her way! After a whole spring's preparation, it's time to release our energy! This August, you are cordially invited to join our 4-in-1 fascinating summer event. Yep, 4-in-1: Paintball, Rafting, Camping, AND bonfire night party in just one weekend! What's more? Well, in addition to making friends, this bonfire party is meticulously designed for Singles get to find Ms/Mr Right!!! Sounds interesting? Let's go!

Skirmish, Camping and Rafting and Event

That's right! Paintball! Rafting! Camping! We got them all!


August 5. Friday Night Camping Hickory Run State Park (option)
http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/ stateparks/parks/hickoryrun. aspx#staythenight

August 6th Skirmish Paintball, Camping

Morning 8:00 AM, New York- Pennsylvania

Skirmish Paintball (11:00AM- 4:00PM)

Night (5PM-Midnight): picnic, camp fire party and Camping at Hickory Run State Park

August 7th Rafting

Morning: Rafting Pocono Lehigh Gorge Whitewater 10:30AM

http://www.poconowhitewater. com/directions.html ( direction)

Later after noon, Back to New York


August 6th 10:30am Skirmish paintball Field Entrance Office

August 7th 10:30am Rafting center-Lehigh River Rafting

Registration and Info

Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ,


Webpage: http://www.cssanyinfo.org


All three activities (Paintball, Rafting, Camping, picnic) $140
Paintball Only $51.50
Rafting Only $62.70
Camping and Picnic $25.00

Please make your payment to the contact person listed above or through Paypal This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Please include your name in the Memo.


We suggest driving. If you don't have a car, please contact us and we will try our best effort to find you a carpool. For those who need bus service, we will charge $35.00/day

We will keep updating detail information about the trip. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. See you there!

Special Attention:

1. Camping fee include campsite rental on Friday night. If you are interested in departure on Friday, feel free to camp in the campsite.
2. We are now seeking event sponsors. For details, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
3. If you are interested in volunteering as a event committee member, please email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Please kindly provide the following information by July 31 for us to facilitate our activities. Information should be sent to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

1. If you have registered, please make sure you've provided your cell phone number for weekend contact. If you have a group, please provide at least one person for us to contact with.
2. Carpool. Let's make this trip environmental friendly! Greener! Cheaper! Some of our participants do not have a car to get to the activity site. If you have additional space in your vehicle, please fill up the online registration form and providing your location so people who need carpool and live near you can contact you easily. For a 4-person family car, we suggest a shared fee of $20 to cover the gas and toll fee, paid to the driver. For people who needs a pick-up, please let us know your location and cell phone number immediately if you haven't do so.
3. Our campground is accessible from Friday night. If you do plan to camp on Friday, please let us know your group size and arrival time to arrange meet-up.
4. Picnic. Please indicate your preference to attend our tentative Picnic event in the campground on Saturday afternoon/night. The estimate expense is $15/person.
5. Tent. If you are attending our camping activity, do you have space in your tent to share with our other participants? From our previous experience, sharing a tent is a lot more fun than you would think.

6.Waiver, Discharge, and Release: Even though we and whitewater industry have a good safety record, there are inherent elements of danger beyond our control. You are asked to assume responsibility for many decisions for yourself. There is a risk of property loss, personal injury, and/or death in any waterborne event or activity. You must agree to sign a release prior to paintball game and rafting and go at your own risk. All minors must have a release signed by the custodial parent or legal guardian. In the event the child will not be accompanied by the parent, the release needs to be mailed in advance.